No Strict Liability for Dog Owners under Dangerous Animals Act
"Today, there are roughly 4,500 federal crimes on the books. And still many more regulations and rules that, if not abided by, result in criminal penalties, including incarceration. Many of these laws impose criminal penalties – often felony penalties – for violations of federal regulations. Americans are expected to know it is wrong to commit murder or burglary or engage in an act of terrorism, regardless of what the law says. But today Americans must contend with literally thousands of obscure and cumbersome federal regulations, a simple misreading or ignorance of a regulation can land a person in prison." Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Chairman of the C rime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations Subcommittee and head of Congress' Over-Criminalization Task Force. Though Congress appears to be taking steps to reduce the explosion of the enactment of federal criminal statutes undertaken in the past 25 years, yesterday's opinion from the Michi...