Arrests, confusion grow from Michigan's murky law on marijuana

From today's Detroit Free Press: Police raid highlights problems many face BY BILL LAITNER FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER Michigan's medical marijuana law has patients fearing arrest while police say they're unsure of who can legally possess or supply the drug. In several instances, police have arrested patients, confiscated their marijuana, conducted searches that turned out to be improper and seized trailer-loads of cultivation gear because of gray areas in the state law that allows medical marijuana, Southfield attorney Michael Komorn said. The legal problems spawned by the law are so great that defense attorneys have begun specializing in medical marijuana cases, with one top 10 Michigan law firm devoting an area of practice to it. "Police across the state are either confused or resisting compliance with the medical marijuana law," staff attorney Dan Korobkin of the American Civil Liberties Union said. Some medical users lack proper paperwork or have m...